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Adjustability team conquers Pirates

The staff members of Adjustability take on what is known as Joburgs Toughest half marathon, the Pirates 21 km. To put into context, not all team members are runners but decided to take on their 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise in the streets of Joburg.

As biokineticists, we are passionate about exercise and the benefits it has on the mind and body, just a little reminder of the many benefits of running:
Improves cardiovascular health: Consistent running is beneficial for the cardiovascular systems as the adaptions results in a stronger heart and more efficient lungs.
Builds muscular strength: Due to increased mechanical load, running is a great way to improve muscular strength and endurance.
Increases bone density: Stronger bones develop as the impact of running forces adaptions which increases minerals and production of bone-building hormones.
Reduces stress: Running does not only improve physical body but is extremely beneficial for mental health. Running decreases cortisol (stress hormones) and helps increase dopamine (happy hormones)

Is it not always the easiest getting started, so contact a biokineticist to help you with individualized, safe, scientific based exercise prescription.

Well done to the adjustability team!

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) and its clinical use with our Ekso Bionics Exoskeleton

What is FES?

Functional Electrical Stimulation is a technique that makes use of low energy electrical impulses to artificially produce body movements in individuals who have been paralyzed due to some sort of Central nervous system insult. It aims to close the feedback loop within the central nervous system. It is aimed at individuals with spinal cord injuries, stroke, and other neurological conditions causing lower extremity weakness.

The benefits of using FES?

  • It allows earlier mobility.
  • It can provide muscle stimulation to individuals who may already show signs of existing muscle activation.
  • It increases the rehabilitation spectrum of individuals who can use it. (Pre-ambulatory to almost independent).
  • When used in combination with the Exoskeleton, it provides muscle stimulation throughout the gait cycle, aiming to correct any muscle imbalances.
  • We can utilise strength as well as endurance protocols in our walking programs, improving the depth of the therapy and experience.


Adjustability is one of the first practices in South Africa to be equipped with the FES component with our Exoskeleton. Our Biokineticists use it as a tool in our therapy, and we have seen the most benefits in combination with an exercise program.


Alliance of South Africa Independent Practitioners Association (ASAIPA) is an organisation that represents the interest of healthcare throughout South Africa. It allows independent practitioners to form and alliance with other practitioners that have similar interests.

ASAIPA hosts the National Medical Awards annualy , through these awards, they are able to recognize and acknowledge primary healthcare practitioners who exemplify the highest values of volunteerism, community engagement, leadership, innovation and dedication to their profession, community and to their patients.

Justin Jeffery was awarded the Primary HCP excellence award at the end of 2020 , and we could not be more proud to be apart of such and exceptional honour.



Adjustability In Times Of COVID

The world was taken by storm in 2020 by the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in the disruption of millions of lives and livelihoods, and impacted in particular on the health and wellbeing of individuals. The COVID-19 virus comes like a thief in the night, challenging social relations, personal appearance and confidence and one’s very treasured health. Some patients
that have experienced COVID-19 have reported changes in breathing patterns, fatigue and sleep pattern disruptions. This pandemic has interrupted active lifestyles and has made the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle ever so clear.

As such, a lot of research has gone into the role of exercise in post-covid recovery in order to get individuals back to their healthy selves or to a new state of health. Evidence shows that exercise can help to “improve fitness, reduce breathlessness, improve your energy and improve muscle strength”. Additionally, exercise can help to prevent blood clots and improve your mental health.

Although exercise is beneficial in the recovery after COVID-19, exercise should also be monitored by a professional as severe cases of COVID-19 impact very negatively on one’s health and can result in undetected complications. It is for this reason that “return to exercise guidelines” have been developed.

The image below is a “return to exercise guideline” developed by David Salman form the British Medical Journal.

If you have had COVID-19 and are struggling to bounce back to your old self or are still struggling with the after effects, please do not hesitate to contact your closest exercise specialist so that they can aid you in your post-covid journey.